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Asia & Pacific

Turkmenistan Asia & Pacific


Expanding Our Impact

Abt has helped implement change in some of Turkmenistan’s most vulnerable populations. From 2000 – 2009, we actively strengthened Turkmenistan’s health systems through the series of USAID-funded Zdrav projects. Expanding on this transformational work, Abt supported the agency’s Quality Health Care Project (QHCP) from 2010-2015 which enabled improvements at the facility level and addressed necessary changes to HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and maternal and child health treatments. Abt continues to address the prevalence of tuberculosis in Turkmenistan through the Eliminating Tuberculosis in Central Asia (ETICA) project, where we seek to improve the capacity of local and regional health systems to detect and treat the disease. Through the USAID-funded Local Health System Sustainability (LHSS) project, Abt also is working with the Ministry of Health to identify and procure supplies required for COVID-19 testing.

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Select Work

Anatomy of a Health Care Transformation: USAID's 20-Year Legacy of Health Systems Strengthening in Central Asia

Anatomy of a Health Care Transformation: USAID's 20-Year Legacy of Health Systems Strengthening in Central Asia

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Eliminating Tuberculosis (TB) in Central Asia

Eliminating Tuberculosis (TB) in Central Asia

Central Asia is a hotspot for DR-TB. TB services are outdated, unsustainable and expensive, and increasing financial pressure on governments means money to improve services is limited. TB has a large social impact on individuals as high levels of stigma…

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Improving the Quality of Health Services in Central Asia

Improving the Quality of Health Services in Central Asia


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